Book of Matthew, Chapter 3

I’m sorry for the delay. I literally forgot today was the day for my post!

This week, we’ll read Matthew 3. The link to Bible Gateway, Matthew Chapter 3 is here.

That does not mean we’re going to close the door on chapters 1 or 2. Just that we’ll now read chapter 3.

John the Baptist was a prophet sent by God to prepare Israel for the Messiah, who we call Jesus Christ. He was seen, even then, as a radical servant of God.

Israel was regularly the scene of false Messiahs, and many who were oppressed by the occupying Romans, were enthusiastically waiting for the Saviour who they believed would set them free from the Romans. It was a common misconception of why Christ was coming; and it was one that, as we read through the bible, we will see people — particularly Judas — who did not realize that the reason He was coming was to set us free in eternity, not necessarily in the world.

Christ’s Apostles Andrew (the brother of Peter) and John (the youngest Apostle and the one who wrote the Gospel of John, and most people think the Book of Revelation) were both first disciples of John the Baptist.

The baptism of Jesus was the beginning of what we see as His “earthly ministry,” and we are assured that He was not just another guy, but that He was God’s son, because God says so right after the baptism.